Video of the #UYBHYS24 edition
The 10th edition is coming soon! In the meantime, here’s a little taste of the atmosphere from the 2024 edition, just to show you what you mist missed and make you want to come and lose yourself in the missed mist at the tip of Brittany in a few months… 😉
It's over... See you in 2025, for our 10th edition!
The 2024 edition of Unlock Your Brain, Harden Your System has just wrapped up, ending on a high note as usual with the social event at the Loco Loca! And this year, no bad weather to dampen the mood. We had a bit of karma banked up, considering how the 2023 edition went…
A big thank you to all our sponsors and partners — you’re invaluable to us.
Our « silver » sponsors: BZHunt and Crédit Mutuel Arkéa.
Our « bronze » sponsors: Alcyconie, ALL4TEC, AL’X Communication, Brest Métropole, Chaire cyber-navale, Clever Cloud, DGA, DGSE, DGSI, Formind, Groupe scolaire Javouhey rive droite, HarfangLab, ISEN Brest, Ledieu Avocats, Lexfo, Patrowl, Randorisec, Technopole Brest Iroise and YesWeHack.
Thanks as well to all our speakers and participants, who traveled, some of them from very far away, all the way to the western end of the world…
From the initial feedback we’ve received, we gather that you don’t regret it.
See you next year for our 10th edition!!!t

Find all the information here:
Workshops on Friday, the 8th:
Talks on Saturday, the 9th:
Ticket sales will open at the end of the week (Friday, September 20th), stay tuned… 😉
The Call For Papers (CFP) for #UYBHYS24 is now open...
It’s here:
You can submit your proposals for talks or workshops until Jun 30th!
#UYBHYS24: Save the date!
Unlock Your Brain, Harden Your System, 2024 edition, will take place on Friday, November 8th and Saturday, November 9th…
Where? In #Brest, of course! 😊
To stay informed, feel free to subscribe to our X account @UYBHYS:
Video of the #UYBHYS23 edition
While waiting to meet you again next year, a short video recap of this year’s edition (French only for the moment, sorry for that)…
See you next year!
Unlock Your Brain, Harden Your System, 2023 edition, is over!
Thanks to all our sponsors and partners for supporting us, and thanks to all our speakers and participants for braving the unleashed elements and being present! 👍
We’re counting on you for next year… 😊